Saturday, August 31, 2013

The One With the 100th Post

Hello All,

I can't believe that I have already written 100 post here on The World According to Emma! Which actually started out as The College Life of a Future Teacher! 

I feel as I have come so far since I first wrote my introduction post which you can check out here. I think that from having a blog I have become a stronger writer and mo confident in my thoughts and opinions. I've even watched my daily views go up as more and more people read my blog! 

I've started features in my blog such as Bucket ListWhat I Love Wednesday'sInstagram Top 5, and Big Brother Weekly Recaps. I have participated  link-ups with other bloggers, I have done a Guest Post for one of my bloggers and featured a Guest Post on my blog. I've found other bloggers who I love to read and comment on. 

Over the past 100s post I have written post that I love and post that I haven't loved that much. I have written some popular post and not so popular post so while we're celebrating 100 post let's take a walk down memory lane and see how far I've come. 

First let's look at my favorite post I've written (in no particular order):

Although my blog would just be a journal if weren't for the readers who stop and read my blog and I want to share the posts that have gotten to most views during my blog first 100 posts!

If this is your first time checking out my blog, please take some time and explore, I promise I write post that are more interesting then sharing my accomplishments and my favorite posts. If you have been reading for a while let me know which ones are your favorite post. Also make sure you go and like my Facebook Fan Page so you can stay up to date with my blog. 

I am so grateful that one day I was inspired to write my blog, I'm even more grateful that there are people out there who want to read my blog. 

I also want to extend an offer to anyone who maybe interested in guest posting, I'm also happy to feature another blog on here and would love to have some guest poster. If you're interested e-mail me at and we'll figure out a date!

Thanks so much reading and I can't wait to see how far this blog with go in the future.

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