Friday, July 5, 2013

Big Brother Recap: Week 2

Hello All,

I hope everyone enjoyed there 4th of July yesterday!

But now its time for the Big Brother week 2 recap. I think I have found a format that works for me but I'm not completely sure so if you have any thoughts on the format let me know.

***Spoiler Alert: I will be discussing events that have happened in any Big Brother up to and including the episode that was aired on July 3, 2013. I don't  watch  the live feeds so I will not be discussing anything that was not featured in the edit show!***

This week their were 3 competition but I already discussed the HOH competition in my week one recap and that can be seen here.
The next competition was the Have-Not competition. This week they were split into 3 teams of 5, McCrae as the HOH was the host. The way this competition worked was that four of the team member had to balance a piece of wood by holding one to the rope connected to it. Then the fifth member would have to get into an inner to tub and paddle his way across the Big Brother "lake" to an over sized cooler. When they got there they would then jump into freezing cold water and grab and can of Big Brother Beer. Then have to paddle back across the lake put the can on the piece of wood and carefully switch places with one of their teammates who would repeat the process. This process would continue until the team made a pyramid with 15 cans of BB Beer. If the cans fell they'd have to repeat the process all over again.
In the end the Blue Team came in first making them Haves for the week. The second places team and also haves was the Yellow team. And unfortnately the have nots for the week were the red team, Judd, Andy, Howard, Helen and Elissa. 
The other competition was the Power of Veto with a guest host, Marcela Vallodolid, judge on the American Baking Competition. 
For this competition only 6 houseguest played, McCrae, Candance, Jessie, David, Howard and Elissa. The house guest had fifteen minutes to run from their starting points, to a pit of honey they had to crawl through, in a pit of batter where they were blueberry Balloons. They had to pop the balloons, inside each balloon was a letter. When they found a letter they wanted they would run back to their starting posistion, through the pit of honey and place on their board. They would repeat until they spelled what they thought was the longest word. In the end David came in last without spelling a word (the first time in Big Brother History), followed by Elissa who spelled Pot Roast thinking it was only one word, Candance spelled a 5 letter word, both Howard and Jessie spelled a 7 letter word and McCrae the Pizza Delivery Boy remained in power by winning POV with the word, Delivery. 
Nominations and BBMVP:
This week McCrae was HOH giving him the responsibility to nominate two housenguest for eviction. Before the eviction ceremony McCrae was getting different names from everyone, including Elissa, David, Jessie and Amanda. In the end McCrae's original nominees were...
The other person who had the power to nominate someone for eviction was the Big Brother MVP, a player that is voted on by America. This week American voted for...
After becoming the MVP Elissa went to McCrae and told him that she was MVP trying to gain his trust. McCrae tried to convince Elissa to nominate David although Elissa gut was telling her to nominate Nick. But after thinking Elissa made her decision as a way of making and alliance within the house and put up...

After winning POV McCrae had to decide whether he wanted to make the house happy or continue gaining trust of a potential sub alliance. In the end McCrae side with the house and took Candice off the block and put Elissa up. Making this weeks nominees...
David Jessie and Elissa
So, far this season there is only 2 big alliance that is being known as the Moving Company. In this alliance there is...
This alliance seemed strong and I thought they might make far much like Big Brother 12's all male alliance the Brigade but I predict that this alliance won't make it far after other members discovered that one of their member voted against the alliance. 
Although one of the smartest moves that the alliance discussed making was keeping Elissa with the idea that she would be nominated BBMVP every week. They would use her to make sure that every week she nominated someone they wanted. 
By the time the end of this week ended there were 3 showmances in the Big Brother House!
The first showmance to develop was the one between David and Aaryn.
David said in one of his Diary Room interviews that he came to the Big Brother house for a showmance.

I couldn't agree more Dan!
The second showmance could be labeled the Odd Couple, much like Eric and Jessica from BB8. This seasons Odd Couple is McCrae and Amanda.
I'm personally NOT Amanda's biggest fan. There is just something about her that I don't like and don't trust. I think we may find out that Amanda was using McCrae the whole time and never had real feelings for him. 
The final couple emerged in the live eviction episode so I haven't had much time to think about what I think about these two.
Amanda and Jermey.
I don't think any of these new showmances have the potential of being another Jeff and Jordan. But I think all the houseguest need to remember...

Thursday episode brought drama into the Big Brother House. The house agreed that they would safe the last bottle of wine for midnight when the have nots became haves again. But Aaryn and Jermey decide that they could not wait until midnight to have red wine and snuck it back into one of the bedrooms to drink.
When it was officially midnight the house went to get the red wine when the discovered it wasn't there. The have nots started complaining (could you blame them they had only eaten slop for 5-7 days). Aaryn took as a personal attack and ran to tell Jermey that they were talking behind her back. Jermey went into the house and yelled at them for being upset about the wine.
When it was finally time for eviction I had no clue who was going home, I thought that they votes could go either way. I figured Elissa had Helen and the moving company's vote. I thought David may have everyone else's vote and the Jessie was safe but I'm not completely sure. The vote ended up coming up as...
Jessie-0 Votes to evict, she was safe
Elissa-  Aaryn, Candice, Kaitlin, Gina Marie, Jermey, voted to evict
David- Amanda, Nick,  Spencer, Helen, Howard,  Judd, Andy voted to evict
In the end David was sent packing.

Thoughts on the Players:
 Elissa is such a big deal this year because of the fact that she is Rachel (a big brother legend's sister). A lot of the people in the house spent a lot of time this week complaining that she didn't tell people that Rachel was her sister. I would probably do the same thing if my sister was a Big Brother Legend.
When I watched the original interview I thought that Aaryn would be one of my favorite players this season, I thought that she had the potentional of possibly being this years Jordan. But instead I saw a mean girl who I don't really like. From what I've seen, Aaryn hated Elissa but I haven't seen a reason for Aaryn to hate Elissa expect for the fact that she's Rachel's sister. But that's only what I've seen.
My Player of the Week:
Each week I will be decide a player of the week. This is someone in my opinion who made at least one good move for their game this week. This week my player of the week is...
I chose David for a few reason, the first reason is because he created an alliance. Whether this alliance works or not doesn't matter as long as he keeps his relationships with members he has four people on his side. Also chose David because realized that he could use Elissa could be an asset to his game if he kept her and gained her trust. That is a duo I would like to see work together. 
This is it for this week Big Brother Recap. If you are a Big Brother fan what did you think of this week's Big Brother? What did you think about the Wine incident? Who is your favorite player? Let me know in the comments below. 
Also as you can see I tweet through the episodes, you can follow me and see what I think during the episode. My twitter name is Judy_Judy94.

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