Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Blogtember: How Has Blogging Changed You? - Day 8

Hello All,

Today's topic is how has blogging changed you? But in all honesty, I don't know if it has. 

I mean I think my writing has improved, well at least I hope it has. And my need and want to write has grown intensely, sometimes I wonder if I'm addicted to writing, at least it not a bad one. I miss my blog on the days I don't write, especially when I pre-write one but post the link up on my Facebook Page. Does that make sense?

I also think blogging has become more of part of who I am. When I first started blogging I debated whether I would tell people or not that I was going to start blogging. At first I didn't tell any one. Then I told a few of my friends and now I'll tell just about anybody. When People ask for a fun fact about myself I tell them that I am a blogger. Its part of me and I love that its part of me.

As weird as it might sound my blog as forced me to be more organized. By doing my weekly What I Love Wednesday or Big Brother Recaps I have been forced to make sure those are written and posted. By knowing that I want a blog post to go live one night I make sure that all my other responsibilities like homework is done first.

Although before starting my blog I was pretty conscious about what I put on the internet I have become more so. If you follow my blog regularly you know that I'm very careful about revealing too much about my location. And if you have read my blogging rules you know that I have vowed never to say anything mean about another person in my blog.

So, maybe blogging has change me a lot or very little. I guess that has to do with how you look at it. If you're a blogger do you think blogging has changed you? Let me know in the comments below.

And since every post this month has had some sort of gif I will share a gif of Michelle Tanner because who doesn't love a little Full House.

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