Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blogtember: Why I Started Blogging - Day 22

Hello All,

Today's topic asked me why I started blogging. I think this is one of the most asked questions I get when I tell people I blog. Right along with what do you blog about. And just a general, why?

Blogging is something I have always been interested in but I didn't know how to go about setting up a blog. I didn't know what sites to use and how to design or what to write about in general. 

But then last April I was super busy with programs in my Future Teacher's club and I had one of those, "Now I have something to blog about moments!"

When I original started blogging I thought I was only going to blog about events like moving out or club events. But soon I realized that I have opinions and I am passionate about things and I wanted to share that with the world, or at least the blogging world. 

Soon, I started to discover other blogs and learning what they wrote about and learned how important creating a fun set up was and writing an About Me Page. I'll be honest with you I have spent hours research on how to create a successful blogger. 

Now blog is a part of me. I use to keep it a secret but now when some asked me a fun fact about me I say very proudly, "I am a blogger." Which is followed almost instantly by, "Oh you mean one Tumblr." And then I say no I have an actual website. 

I think if someone told me that I had to stop blogging I would be lost. I would miss writing to whoever so much and I would miss my creative outlet. 

That's why I started blogging. If you're a blogger why did you start blogging? Let me know in the comments below. 

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