Tuesday, July 8, 2014

DCL Recap 2014: Magic Kingdom {10}

Hello All,

Who needs some magic after the long weekend?

After we left our cruise we spent two nights at Disney's Bay Lake Towers and on our full day we went into the Magic Kingdom. We took the day pretty slow. We hit some rides and watch the Parade (Thursday's post). I didn't take a lot of pictures but here are some castle pictures to make today a little more magical. 

Our view from out room at Bay Lake Towers!
Taken from the Train Station
Walking down Main Street!
Waiting from the Parade
And that is today's post. I'm sorry for how short it was and that it was lacking a lot of pictures I just didn't take a lot of  pictures that weren't parade pictures. But there will be more in the next DCL Recap I promise! Love you guys!


  1. these pictures really make me want to go to Disney world D:

    1. It has made me want to go back too! Thanks for reading!


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