Thursday, March 27, 2014

GETTING READY TO SET SAIL: The Enchanted Garden {Week 8}

Hello All,

Happy Thursday! It has been so hard to get back into the swing of things after Spring Break! But the weeks almost over and I'm looking forward to my Disney Cruise coming up in 51 days! And now its time to learn some more about the Disney Fantasy in...

Today I want to talk to you guys about restaurants but let's be honest, what blogger doesn't like to talk about food. This is another resturant that I have been to (well at least the Disney Dream version of it) so I have my pictures to share as well. So, without further ado let's look at the Disney Fantasy's Enchanted Garden!

- Located on the 2nd deck of the ship
-Serves American Style food
\-Based on the Gardens of Versailles
\-The lighting of restaurant changes depending on the time of day, to mimic the sun
-Serves all 3 meals a day
\And those are all the facts that I could find about the Enchanted Garden. From what I remember from my cruise was that we ate at the Enchanted Garden on Pirate Night (one night each cruise they have a pirate themed night), the last night and for breakfast the day we disembarked. I remember this was the resturant that I had the hardest time finding something to eat but I am a picky eater. I can't wait to see what they have this time around.

Now its some of my picture as well as few taken by Mama J. 
This was right outside the resturant
The beautiful center piece
The ceiling
One of the many beautiful murals
The sign
And those are my collections of pictures from the Enchanted Garden. Next week is the final restaurant on the ship and then we will move on to another topic for this series. 

I have planned out the different post that I want to talk about in the next few weeks but if there is anything you would like me to research and do a post on let me know in the comments below and I'll find a place to add it in!


  1. I adore Disney Cruises. We've been on two. We're going on our third in December.

    1. They really our amazing! The cruise that inspired this series is my 3rd one as well. It'll be my first one on the Fantasy and I'm so excited! Thanks for stopping by! xoxo, Emma.

  2. That looks so cool. When you go away I'm going to be so jealous.


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