Hello All,
And happy 2 year anniversary to this wonderful little corner of the internet! It is beyond crazy to think that 730 days ago I climbed in my small twin size bed in room 407 (I'm not telling you the dorm building) writing
this post. Recently I was reading the post in Megan and she told me I should redo this post and talk about the people I spend the majority of my time now. And I thought why not.
Just like 730 days ago Mama Judy is still the most important person in my life. She's still my best friend and I'm beyond grateful that I have her as my biggest fan!
Circa May 2012 & before I watermarked photos |
Circa August 2014 and still a big momma's girl |
Although I don't talk about him often Father is still a big part of my life.
The Picture from the original post |
As time went by I lost touch with a lot of my friends that I was friends with in the beginning of the blog but have gained new ones. The people who I lost touched with over the years are still amazing people and I wish them nothing but the best. But some have stood the test of time.
First is my oldest friend in the world, Amelia, who is currently study aboard in London and looks like she's having the time of her life!
Still my favorite picture of us, circa 2005ish |
The most recent picture of us circa August 2014 |
Next is Tori who to this day always let's me be myself as well bring out the child in me. I'm so grateful to be able to call her one of my best friends!
Circa November 2012 |
we may have grown up a little |
Okay maybe not |
The final friend who I am still friends with from my original post is Mandi! I can't imagine my life without her. She is always there to talk and let me spill all my feelings. I am so grateful to call this girl one of my best friends in the world and can't wait to see where our friendship will take us!
Circa April 2013 days before the blogs creation |
Our Disney trip, March 2015 |
I feel so blessed to have these lovely ladies in my life and know they will continue to be there for years to come!
Over the last school year I have grown very close with one of my roommates, Megan, and can't wait to continue living with her next year. This girl gets me better then most people have met before. We are insane when we are together and never stop laughing. Unfortunately I don't have a picture with her yet but hopeful someday in the future soon.Through Megan I was able to meet one of her great friends Emili who is so sweet and fun to hang out with. I really hope that the 3 of us can hang out over the summer and go on some cool adventures.
Since starting the blog so much has changed in my life. I start out as an education major and since have changed to a liberal studies major. I went from being super involved on campus to keeping to myself a little more. I was not as confident. I have found an large love for sharing my life online from blogging to vlogging I have fallen in love with this community. But most importantly I have found a hobby that will probably follow me through the rest of my life.
As of today this blog has been live on the internet for 730 Days or about 17,520 hours give or take a few hours. Those two numbers blow my mind! I can't wait to see what the next 365 days have to offer like my last official summer break, the majority of senior year, my last year living on campus and so many other thins that I can't even begin to imagine.
For those of you have been following me along for even the shortest amount of time, I want to thank you, although I write this blog for myself, for the memories, its nice to know or think that people are out their and reading what I have to say.
And if you're new, welcome, I hope that you continue to follow along and don't be shy, say hi!
So, Happy Blogiversary The World According to Emma, I can't wait to see where our world take us next year!