Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sophomore Year Goals Check-In

Hello All,

Happy Wednesday! The Semester as been over for a couple of weeks and I did my Semester Rewind last week. But now I think I am really read to reflect on this semester, and the goals I made at the beginning of the semester. 

Before I really talk about the progress (or lack there of) that I made on my goals I want to talk about something. This was the hardest semester of my life. I don't know if it was because I stretch myself to thin or because I was dealing with read drama or just because college is hard and life just got in the way. But I do know that this blog was my safe place. Even on my hardest day I had blogger to hide in. 

I'm not telling you guys all this stuff in order to get sympathy. I'm telling you this as an excuse as to why I did so badly with my goals. I am telling you this because I want to thank you. I want to thank you for reading what I have to say and for commenting making me feel loved by this community. So, thank you.

Now let's talk goals. You can check out the original post with explanation of the post by clicking here. Here's out the goals completion level will be marked.
In progress
Not even attempted
Completely finished

1. Get My G.P.A. Up
I am working on this, I haven't checked my grades yet. Ooops. But getting my GPA  is something that I definitely want to keep working on.  

2. Stay Organized
I'm not going to lie. This was probably one of my least organized semester ever! Most of the semester you couldn't even see the surface of my desk. Ooops.

3. Make to Do list
So, I was really good at this at the beginning of the semester but by mid-October that went down hill.

4. Be the best officer I can be
I have enjoyed being an officer but its a lot of work and a lot of plates to juggle but I think I'm doing okay at it.

5. Create a Budget
I didn't do this at all. oops.

6.  Eat Healthier or stay in shape see this goal went the opposite direction. I kind of eat worse then ever and was a lazy ass.

7. Have Friend's From Back Home Come Visit Me
Hopefully I can have my friends come visit me next semester.

8. Make a big life decision
I have made this decision but I'm not ready to announce it on the blog just yet but when I am ready you will all know.

9. Be More Social
Although this is something I may always have to work on. I can say that I made friends in every class I made and went from feeling like a shy outcast at work to feeling I totally fit. 

10. Keep up with this blog.
I think I did pretty damn awesome with goal. I found a schedule that I like and kept to it. When I need a break for finals I went on a hiatus and I'm pretty sure I'll make that tradition for other finals. 

So, that is how my goals went. Although I wish I had a few less bolded  goals  I am proud of the progress I have made. Thank you for following me through this semester. I hope you guys will continue to follow along next semester. 

How did your semester go? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. looks like you had a great year, emma! it was definitely a tough semester, but good for you for sticking it out!

    1. Thanks! And thank you for stopping by! Hopefully this semester will be better!


Thanks for stopping by! Comment always make my day!