Friday, December 6, 2013

College Tips: Preparing for Mid-Term Time

Hello All,

Happy Friday! This is my last Friday of the semester, where of where has time gone? Today I want to give you some tips of mine for preparing for finals. But I'm not giving you study tips because I still don't have those down. LOL. Instead I'll give you topics for preparing for the time when you have to study. 

1. Stock Up on your study snacks (my favorite is popcorn)
2. Eat at least one balanced meal a day instead of microwavable food or ramen.
3. Find a good study place whether its at your desk, in the library or your dorm's Common Room (my place).
4. You may be drinking a lot of caffeine during this time but make sure you drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. 
5. Create list to figure out your priorities and what still needs to be done. 
6. Even during high stress moments take some time to see your friends, even if its just for coffee or stress eating (just don't eat leg wax like in the picture below)
7. If your friends are doing through drama right now, pretend it doesn't exist, you don't need anymore stress then you already have.

8. Don't completely pack all your stuff to go home before finals start, use it for an excuse for break

9. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
10. Don't forget in like a week it will all be over. 

As I mentioned early my finals start next week. Because of that I will be taking a slight blogging hiatus starting tomorrow (Although I don't normally have a post on Saturday) through Friday December 13! I will miss writing to you guys dearly but finals can be over whelming. But don't forget to stop by because each day I will have a motivational quote on the page to help get you through finals. 

Do you have any tips for getting through finals? Let me know in the comments below. 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks :) So happy that my finals are over and can't wait to get back to blogging real soon <3


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