Hello All,
Last week on one of my days off last week I went to the movies by myself so that I could go see Pitched Perfect 2.
Now unlike the rest of the living, breathing world I didn't see the original movie until a couple of weeks ago. My roommate Megan told me that I had to see this movie and we watched one night. I thought the movie was really funny and decided that I wanted to see the second one when it came out.
LtoR (back row): Jessica (Kelley Jackle), Ashley (Shelley Regner), Stacie (Alexis Knapp). Emily (Hailee Steinfeld), Flo (Chrissie Fit) (Front Row): Chloe (Brittany Snow), Beca (Anna Kendrick), Fat Amy (Rumor Wilson) and Lilly (Hana Mae Lee) Source |
This movie takes place 3 years later. All the girls are seniors and Chloe (Brittany Snow) failed Russian Lit 3 times to insure that she was a Bella. In those 3 years they had won the Acapella championships every year. While performing for the president the Bellas have a small wardrobe malfunction which causes mad chaos nationwide. When they kicked out of the colliagate level of competition Beca (Anna Kendrick) and the rest of the Bellas make a deal that if they win nationals then they will be reinstated. The story of the movie follows their journey of balancing their social lives with training for worlds.
LtoR: Fat Amy (Wilson), Chloe (Snow), Beca (Kenndrick) and Emily (Steinfeld) Source |
This movie had a lot of hype surrounding it and made $69.2 million in its first weekend, more then the original made in its whole theater run. When movies get a lot hype, especially comedies, I have a bad habit of expecting things that are way too much out of movies that get a huge hype. Its probably the primary reason that I don't like Bridesmaids (please don't kill me).
LtoR: Lilly (Lee) Beka (Kenndrick), Fat Amy (Wilson), Ashley (Regner), Chloe (Snow), Stacie (Knapp) and Flo (Fit) Source |
I had a hard time the the hype of this movie because although I thought the movie was really good. I didn't feel that it lived up to the hype. The hype began with the trailers and there was some really exciting and funny lines in the movie. But they were only trailer lines that never made it to the final cut of the movie. I personally missed the lines, I feel like those were places that good have made the movie even better.
LtoR: Ashley (Regner), Lilly (Lee), Cynthia (Ester Dean), Chloe (Snow), Stacie (Knapp), Beca (Kendrick), Flo (Fit), Fat Amy (Wilson) and Jessica (Jackle) Source |
Another thing I noticed about the movie was they had four stories going on. The A story of the Bella and Worlds. Then they had Beca story who on top of World was working on her internship where she was trying to make head way in the music industry. Then they had the love story between Fat Amy (Rebel Wilson) and Bumper (Adam DeVine). And finally the newest Bella the legacy, Emily (Hailee Steinfeld) becoming one of the Bellas and her music career as well. I found that the 3 sub stories weren't receiving as much attention as they deserved.
Beka (Anna Kenndrick) Source |
I think that there were some characters that really stood out in my opinion. Wilson as Fat Amy was once again was hilarious, she plays the fat girl with more confidence then any character I have ever seen in a movie. Snow also was amazing in this movie, Chloe was the character that I felt the biggest connection with in this story, as she played a very typical college student who was terrified by the real world.
LtoR: Jessica (Jackle), Flo (Fit), Cynitha (Dean), Lilly (Lee), Beka (Kennedrick), Chloe (Snow), Fat Amy (Wilson), Emily (Steinfeld), Stacie (Knapp) and Ashley (Regner) Source |
My favorite scene in the whole movie bar non was their final song number of the movie. It was such a powerful scene that left me with goosebumps, almost tears. It also was really cool to the see the youtube sensations Pentatonix was also really cool.
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Beca (Anna Kenndrick) Source |
But my biggest complaint of the whole movie was that we didn't get to see enough of Jesse (Skylar Astin) because he was my favorite in the original movie, him and Beka were really cute but most importantly I just think he's super cute.
Fat Amy (Wilson) Source |
When it comes to my reccomendation I definately would reccomend this movie. It was funny, heart felt and movie that everyone will be talking about.
Beka (Kenndrick) and Emily (Steinfeld) Source |
Have you see Pitch Perfect 2 yet? Did you like it? Let me know in the comments below!
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